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Change is Gonna Come

Yay!! Happy New Year!! Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never thought upon... wait, what do you mean that was over a month ago? It was yesterday, guys. I swear. If this past month is any indication of how 2013 is going to be, then leave your Christmas trees up and get those 2014 eyeglasses out.


I'd like to start off the first blog of the new year by introducing a new crew member. Her services are absolutely invaluable - a complete workaholic who spends her days and nights in the studio striving to highlight and showcase the newest purses from SobeSata Co. She never questions my ideas or judges my creations - best of all, she works for free. And does all this without a stitch of clothing on. Ladies and gentlemen.... Eve:


I have long been wanting a mannequin to display my bags. Luckily my parents - on one of their countless antiquing weekends - stumbled across Eve in a store in Ohio, adopted her, and brought her back to me. She's a little rough around the edges and there are a few screws that need to be tightened, but otherwise she's perfect. The mask is from my father's extensive travel collection. I am hoping to eventually be able to switch out the masks for different bags once I give her a head to put it on. Eve really doesn't like it when I scream "Off with her head!" whenever I am frustrated with the sewing machine. Not sure why...

(For those questioning my sanity, please refer to the previous blog, Crazy is as Crazy Does)

In other news, the Holiday House Craft Sale for the Kershaw County Fine Arts Center in Camden, SC was a complete success. Most other artists I spoke to thought I was brave to be in a show that lasted for two weeks. I thought it was a great way to dip my toes in the water - a way to participate, yet still maintain my shy, quiet personality. However, I found myself regretting not being able to visit during the duration of the show and answer any questions the buyers might have. The director of the sale was telling everyone I was 23 or 24 years old (I'm 32). It seems that future craft shows may be what break me from my shell.

I only had one 6 ft table and picture rail to display all of my bags. And the entire week before the show I was worried I wouldn't have enough! I barely had enough room for everything. I sold out of my clutches and almost all of my wristlets, as well as a few zip bags and grocery bag dispensers. Catrina, Persephone, and Ella have also found new homes. Recently I have been working on restocking my supply.


I have been updating my photographs on Etsy in an effort to stand out from the crowd. While I loved my bags displayed on weather barn wood, everyone and their mother on Etsy displays their crafts on barn wood. It's one of Regretsy's favorite things to poke fun of. And while Regretsy is hilarious and does increase the sales of the buyer through their mockery, it is one website I do not want to be mentioned on.

So in an effort to "pop" on Etsy, I decided to photograph my bags against the bright blue wall of the sunroom. The setup works well - it can be set up and taken down fairly easily, I don't have to wait for a sunny day to take listing photos, and you begin to notice the wall changes its shade of blue though the day. However, I've yet to figure out how to display my clutches and certain styles of wristlets. Currently I am keeping my eye out for a white antique table that I'm sure I can find somewhere in the house. I think that will work well against the blue.


The latest pixel stitch has been completed. I am not sure why I love doing these so much - there's not really a market for it. The Ryan Gosling stitch has found a new home with the baddest Canadian chick in town. It's only right that those two be under the same roof. One thing I've discovered during this one is that I now realize why Seurat never painted in black and white.


Exactly who is this for? A gift for that Chaplin-lovin' whore of a lady in your life? Who hopefully has a sense of humor? Again, I have no idea why this had to be made - but for now it's there to make me giggle every time I see it, and that's enough for now. I am eager to start my next pixel stitch. Something you didn't know before now: 18 count black canvas cross-stitch fabric is nearly impossible to find in your local craft stores. You have to order it online. Be sure to impress the ladies with that fact. Until next time!

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